


Year 6

Dear Year 6, 


Welcome back to your new and final term at Cromer Road. Congratulations on completing your SATs, however the hard work does not stop there. We have already had an exciting week back by starting our rehearsals for the end of year production of Matilda and finalising ideas for the enterprise project. We have lots of fun projects this term, as well as some trips, like forest school, the residential trip and Stanborough Lakes.

This half term you will find a homework grid to complete to replace the weekly homework which was being set previously.   

Mrs Pitchers & Mr Brecknell

Here are some photos from the Year 6 residential trip to the Isle of Wight!



This week, the children had a Forest School session. They had lots of fun playing games, building dens and creating craft using resources from the woods. 


 Here are some photos from Science Week in Spring 2. The photos show a visit from a scientist and also how we created lunar craters. 


Enjoy the lovely tiles Year 6 created during Spring 1, using William Morris as an inspiration. 


Here are some photos from the Year 6 trip to the British Museum, where we went to learn more about The Benin Empire.


Take a look at some fantastic pieces of artwork we created in Autumn 1!



For Black History Month, Year 6 discovered who Learie Constantine and Jean-Michel Basquiat, please see below some of the display produced. 




Meet the Teacher Information


Show list Show Grid


Curriculum Letters



Homework Grids



Useful Year 6 Resources