Year 4



Dear Families,

Welcome to Summer Term 2. We hope you had a wonderful half-term and are looking forward to a fun-filled last half term of the year!

We have got some brilliant projects planned for this half term. Including a joint D&T and Science project where the children will be designing and making their own torches.

The children will be tested on their multiplications at the start of the term, we will ensure there is plenty of practise time beforehand but please make time to practise at home.

We are really looking forward to the year 4 residential towards the end of the year. Further information will follow, providing you with all the necessary information you’ll need.   Please keep an eye on the school Newsletter for important dates and events

Below you’ll find the learning taking place over the next 7 weeks. You will also find the homework grid. Homework is now compulsory, so please encourage your child to complete some or all of the activities. You will find all the resources on the google classroom. Your children access this in class regularly so should be confident using it at home. Please don’t hesitate if you have any questions or queries to get in touch. 

We've been busy writing and performing our own poetry!
And making Roman shields!

Useful Websites: 


Meet the Teacher Information

Show list Show Grid

Curriculum Letters

Homework Grids


Useful Year 4 Resources