


 A warm welcome back to Reception.  The children have settled in well back into their learning with lots of interesting activities and a new topic 'Planet Earth'.  Throughout our environmental themed topic, the children will learn about pollution and the importance of maintaining and keeping our wonderful planet, oceans, beaches and local environment clean. They will learn how to recyle different materials at home and gain an understanding that every small action helps to save our planet. This last half-term, the children will be exploring the transition process,  learning strategies to support them through this important stage of their learning journey. They will have the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings about transitioning through whole  class discussions as part of the Jigsaw PSHE topic 'Changing Me'.  Magnolia Class will also be performing their assembly on 'Change' inspired by the book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. Throughout the transition process, the children will encouraged to reflect on how they have changed, their favourite memories in Reception, what they are looking forward to in Year 1, and any worries they may have.

The children will continue to explore the Cromer Road values this half-term, focusing on the value of  'Kindness', knowing we care for each other and are considerate of others' feelings. .  They will begin to recognise these attributes in the learning environment during child-initiated and adult led learning.

 Please continue to read with your child on daily basis as this precious experiences helps promote their language and literacy skills as well as developing a love for reading.  Please see the list of core text books that we will be reading in class this half-term on the curriculum letter. 


Many thanks for your continued support.


 Kind regards,


Ms Chandler and Mrs Lotfi









Curriculum Letters

Show list Show Grid

Phonics Workshop 




Useful Reception Resources